Tuesday, April 29, 2014

UdevelopME Top 5 Tips for Becoming a Better Singer

By Tim Levin

1. Stand Up Straight: Guitars players are especially guilty of this do to the habit of hunching over while playing the guitar. However, to get the most out of your voice you must keep your head and chest high. This allows for maximum breathing and a louder more clear voice. If you are having trouble doing this, set the microphone up higher, forcing your head to stay high.

2. Practice With Humming Exercises: Consider humming as “stretching” for your voice. Just like you loosen up muscled before sports, humming can allow you to practice hitting notes while not letting too much air through and straining your voice. Five and eight note scales are recommended for getting that voice into great shape.

3. You Shouldn’t Be In Pain: Singing is a good feeling, and when done right should feel good all around. If you feel any pain or discomfort, then you are doing something wrong. If there is pain you are most likely forcing too much air through your vocal cords, or you are creating tension in your jaw, throat, and/or tongue.

4. Know How To Breath Properly: The reason we mentioned standing up straight, is because it allow your lungs to take in air into the entire lung. Knowing how to breathe and not just keep air at the top of your lungs will help you project your voice and sound better than you have ever sounded.

5. Don’t Choke Out Your High Notes: A good majority of singers who are new to singing will put extra tension and stress on high notes. Instead of putting the tension in your throat, jaw, and tongue, put the tension in your core and project those high notes out from the ground up, as we like to say.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

UdevelopME's 4 Tips For Inexperienced Models

By Tim Levin

  1. Be confident! As a model, confidence is the most important thing to have. Confidence shows through your poses and facial expressions. If you are struggling with confidence try bringing a close friend to assist you during a photo shoot. Friends can usually make you more comfortable and bring up confidence. UdevelopME always preaches confidence as being important for young models. 
  2. Keep moving. Don't let yourself get caught in the same position too long. Changing poses and positions will give the photographer many different photos to take. The average photographer will take roughly 2,000 photos in a shoot, so changing poses gives them a wide variety of possible photos. At UdevelopME we suggest using props too help keep your arms in different positions instead of being at their side. 
  3. It is all in the face. Facial expressions define you as a model. The facial expression on a model defines the entire mood of the picture. At UdevelopME we have noticed that inexperienced models tend to smile in every picture. However we assure you, it is okay not to smile! Frowns, smirks, stern and ice cold stares, will all make for great shots. 
  4. At UdevelopME we urge all of our models to TRUST the photographer. The photographers are professional and will always make you look your best. If you feel like the picture you took is not going to look right, do not let it sit on your mind. Just trust your photographer and move on. After all, they are the ones seeing the shot through the frame, not you. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Scarlett Johansson Almost Quit Acting Until ...

By Tim Levin

The story recently told by Scarlett Johansson is one that could teach a lesson to young stars everywhere. Johansson admitted recently that she almost gave up on acting and quit it for good. The near-decision came after Johansson felt uninspired from her work and was not getting the same joy and thrill from acting as she once did. It was not until Johansson took on a role in the 2009 Broadway revival of 'A View from the Bridge', that she reinvigorated her love of acting. 

Sometimes it takes something new or leaving your comfort zone to help you realize why you are doing what you do. In the case of acting, it is important to remind yourself why you love acting and do not get lost in it as if it were just another job. To all the young stars, like those at UdevelopME, remember it is important to keep your head high and do not get discouraged. Sometimes you may feel uninspired by what you are doing, but try something new instead of giving up altogether. 

UdevelopME is not only here to help you get acting roles or modeling shoots. We are here to develop you into a star and teach you the right mindset to have as an actor, a model, or even a singer. UdevelopME preaches the idea of taking on new adventures, trying new things, and always keeping your head up. If Scarlett Johansson never tried something new she may never have pursued her acting career, and never made the movies we now love. 

Keep your head up and never get discouraged. UdevelopME is here for you and to mentor you in pursuit of your career whether acting, modeling, or singing. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

UdevelopME Thinks Mickey Rooney is a Good Role Model to Child Stars

By Tim Levin

Most of us only remember the legendary Mickey Rooney as an adult actor, but what many do not realize, is that Mickey started his career as a child actor. UdevelopME would have been honored to have someone like Mickey as a part of team. Mickey's first actual acting appearance was at  15 months old in his parents’ vaudeville act, singing “Pal o’ My Cradle Days." Rooney then went on to steal the show as a child actor. He had it all. He could sing, dance, play instruments, and had a knack for producing a laugh and a smile. 

After his parents divorced Mickey went with his mother to Hollywood. It was here where Mickey skyrocketed to stardom. His early start in acting launched what ended up being a 9 decade career, and a career that most of us will never forget. The staff at UdevelopME varies in age and we could all remember the different time periods of Rooney's carreer. 

During his legendary nine-decade career, Rooney starred in over 300 films and television programs. He also worked in radio, recordings, and commercials as well. Rooney was born to be in front of the camera, ad it was where he was happiest. He devoted his life to acting and through it came a most memorable career. 

By the end of his career Mickey Rooney had won 2 Oscars out of his 4 nominations, won an Emmy Award, and was even nominated for a Tony Award. I bet when Mickey was a child he could have never guessed he would be acting for 90 years and become an award winning actor as well. So you never know, If you join UdevelopME it could very well be the start of a long successful career. 

I believe Mickey Rooney's career is a great story for those children, especially at UdevelopME, who are looking to get into acting. It goes to show that nothing is impossible and despite some difficulties and hard times Mickey endured, he never let them get in the way of what he loved, acting. So any of you young stars that may get discouraged about how hard acting may be, or even those who dream of becoming an actor/actress, remember that as long as you love what  you do and work hard, those dreams can come true.