Tuesday, April 29, 2014

UdevelopME Top 5 Tips for Becoming a Better Singer

By Tim Levin

1. Stand Up Straight: Guitars players are especially guilty of this do to the habit of hunching over while playing the guitar. However, to get the most out of your voice you must keep your head and chest high. This allows for maximum breathing and a louder more clear voice. If you are having trouble doing this, set the microphone up higher, forcing your head to stay high.

2. Practice With Humming Exercises: Consider humming as “stretching” for your voice. Just like you loosen up muscled before sports, humming can allow you to practice hitting notes while not letting too much air through and straining your voice. Five and eight note scales are recommended for getting that voice into great shape.

3. You Shouldn’t Be In Pain: Singing is a good feeling, and when done right should feel good all around. If you feel any pain or discomfort, then you are doing something wrong. If there is pain you are most likely forcing too much air through your vocal cords, or you are creating tension in your jaw, throat, and/or tongue.

4. Know How To Breath Properly: The reason we mentioned standing up straight, is because it allow your lungs to take in air into the entire lung. Knowing how to breathe and not just keep air at the top of your lungs will help you project your voice and sound better than you have ever sounded.

5. Don’t Choke Out Your High Notes: A good majority of singers who are new to singing will put extra tension and stress on high notes. Instead of putting the tension in your throat, jaw, and tongue, put the tension in your core and project those high notes out from the ground up, as we like to say.

1 comment:

  1. Focus on your breath. Learning how to breathe properly is an essential part of becoming a better singer. Learn proper singing posture and practice singing daily.

